Realitatem’s AI computer vision services extract valuable information from visual data, enhancing efficiency and innovation across industries.

What we offer

Realitatem’s AI computer vision services offer transformative potential, enabling businesses to automate processes, enhance decision-making, and create innovative products and services that leverage the power of visual data.

Image and Video Analysis

We develop systems capable of analysing images and videos in real-time, identifying patterns, objects, and anomalies. This analysis supports a wide range of applications, from quality control in manufacturing to content moderation in media.

Facial Recognition and Analysis

Our AI-driven facial recognition technology offers secure and efficient identification and authentication solutions. It can be used for security systems, personalised customer experiences, and workforce management.

Object Detection and Classification

Realitatem’s computer vision services include the ability to detect and classify objects within an image or video stream accurately. This is crucial for applications in retail, surveillance, autonomous driving, and more.

Automated Inspection Systems

We provide AI-powered inspection systems that significantly improve accuracy and speed in identifying defects or irregularities in products, contributing to higher quality standards and reduced operational costs.

Scene Recognition and Analysis

Our services extend to comprehensive scene analysis, where the system interprets complex visual scenes to understand context, which is essential for autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and augmented reality applications.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Realitatem utilises OCR technology to convert text in images into machine-readable data, facilitating automated document processing, data entry, and information retrieval.

Custom Computer Vision Solutions

Depending on specific business needs, we design and develop custom computer vision applications that integrate seamlessly with existing systems, providing tailored solutions that address unique challenges.

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